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- Parque de Somersett Oeste | tmparksfoundation
With community input, the City of Reno and the Somersett Owners Association have partnered to design and build a new park in West Somersett. Rosewood Regional Trailhead REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (RSOQ) PROJECT NAME: Rosewood Regional Trailhead, Phase 1 Planning and Design RSOQ Number: 24-001 Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation (TMPF) hereby invites qualified firms or individuals (Offerors) to submit written Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) to provide planning and design services for the development of the Rosewood Regional Trailhead, a federally funded project by the Nevada Department of Transportation. All SOQs must be received by TMPF, 50 Cowan Drive, Reno, NV 89509 by 04/14/25 no later than 2:00 p.m., Pacific Time. SOQs received after the established deadline will be returned to the Offeror, and will not receive any consideration in the evaluation process. SOQs are not publicly opened (disclosed), in accordance with NRS 332.061(2). Documents and addenda are available through TMPF, and will be electronically delivered free of charge upon request by either phone at 775-301-3098, or e-mail at jay@tmparksfoundation.org . RSOQ documents obtained from any source other than TMPF may not be accurate or complete and each Offeror assumes all risks by its reliance on such documents. Questions regarding this solicitation should be directed to Jay Howard, at 775-301-3098, or email to jay@tmparksfoundation.org . To ensure a timely response, inquiries should be made by close of business on 03/31/25. Information in response to inquiries may be published as an RSOQ Addendum. Email your SOQ Thank you to all the community members and partners supporting this project.
- Rosewood Science Series | tmparksfoundation
Free and fun science talks at Rosewood Nature Center Join us at Rosewood Nature Study Area on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month for free science talks from engaging guest speakers on a wide range of fun and educational topics. Upcoming Talks Check back for more talks in the Fall/Winter 2024! In the meantime, check out our Discover Your Parks Series for free, fun community programs all summer long. Discover Your Parks
- Proposed Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area | Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation
Read about the progress and development of the Proposed Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area. Opening Soon! Proposed Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area Project Vision It is the vision of Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation to restore the property formerly known as Rosewood Lakes Golf Course to a functional wetland system. The goal of this restoration project is to reopen the area as the Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area (TMNSA) in the summer of 2020. TMNSA will offer an array of recreational and educational activities for members of the community of all ages. This will be accomplished through partnerships with a variety of organizations along with a robust advisory board . > Thanks for submitting! Project Status Elena Larsen is working as the AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Program Director in cooperation with the City of Reno to develop a master plan for the proposed nature study area. This project is in the preliminary stages and we are very interested in the public’s opinion and ideas on this topic. Elena will be engaging in community events and forums to communicate the project’s goals and ideas to address any questions and concerns regarding the nature study area. This project is funded in part by a grant from the Truckee River Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada. This project is supported by the National Audubon Society-George Whittell Nevada Environmental Fund. Then and Now Circa 1959 Circa 2016 Learn More TMNSA Concept Paper Brief Project Summary To learn more about the property, water rights, and more please click the "Supporting Documents" button below. Supporting Documents Want to rid your yard or garden of pesky invasive plants? Download these free invasive plant management guides Tall Whitetop (Lepidium laifolium) Siberian Elm (Ulmus pumila) Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum) Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) Friendly "Weeds" Tansy Mustard (Descurainia sophia) Russian Olive (Elaegnus angustifolia) Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris) Musk Thistle (Carduus nutans) Mayweed Chamomile (Anthemis cotula) Non-Native Plants Project Partners:
- Student Stewards Program | Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation
The Student Stewards Program uses STEAM-based curriculum to introduce kids to exciting fields of natural science and help them engage with their local parks. Parte superior de la página Características únicas Log ísticas del programa Nuestros módulos Portal de aprendizaje a distancia Galería de fotos El equipo de SSP Student Stewards Program El Programa de los "Student Stewards" (SSP) Nuestros programas basados en consultas están alineados con NGSS y Common Core y están diseñados de manera única para respaldar el aprendizaje a distancia. Ofrecemos programas prácticos de ciencia comunitaria en el aula y en excursiones exploratorias a parques accesibles locales. ¡Estamos muy emocionados de compartir nuestro amor por el aire libre y ayudarlo a aprovechar el poder de la educación científica orientada a la naturaleza! Inspirando a la próxima generación de científicos entusiastas y cuidadores del medio ambiente Nuestros recursos para los Maestros Características únicas Qué nos hace especiales El programa “Student Stewards'' es un plan de estudios prácticos basados en STEAM que ayudan a los estudiantes a conectarse con espacios abiertos locales y también a darse cuenta de su papel como científicos comunitarios , naturalistas activos y estudiantes comprometidos. A través de nuestros programas, los parques se convierten en laboratorios de aprendizaje donde los estudiantes recopilan datos ambientales reales. ¡Presentamos a los niños a los científicos locales, los preparamos para el éxito con sus metas educativas actuales y futuras y fomentamos su comprensión de la responsabilidad comunitaria! Estar al aire libre promueve el bienestar personal y comunitario. En estos tiempos desafiantes, nuestro programa está especialmente diseñado para seguir protocolos de distanciamiento social y, al mismo tiempo, seguir siendo accesible y atractivo para grupos diversos. Naturalistas Juveniles Naturalistas Juveniles Read more The Junior Naturalist Program is a free, outdoor program for families with kids of all ages. Children receive a passport to their local parks and earn stamps and prizes for attending environmental education explorations each month! Los estudiantes que establecen un interés en las ciencias y las matemáticas desde una edad temprana son más probables de graduarse de la escuela secundaria y seguir carreras basadas en STEM, carreras que están proyectados a crecer 14% para 2020. En solamente el verano de 2020, aumentamos el interés académico y aspiraciones del 68% de nuestros estudiantes! Más Programas Descripción general del programa virtual Introducción al aula en vivo a través de Zoom Día 1 Day 2 Conclusión del aula en vivo a través de Zoom Día 2 ¡Pre-actividades para hacer con su clase! Excursión virtual autodirigida en el patio de la escuela Precios Debido a que estamos comprometidos a mantener nuestros programas accesibles, nuestros programas son GRATIS para las escuelas con una población mayoritaria del 50.1% de estudiantes que califican para almuerzos reducidos. Para las escuelas que no califican, cobramos una pequeña cuota de $ 5 por estudiante participante. También ofrecemos lecciones grupales privadas a $ 10 por participante. Insect Survey! Citizen Scientists! Cloud Observations Insect Survey! 1/5 Nuestros Módulos Logísticas del programa Nuestros módulos Insectos K-2 Más Aves K-5, MS & HS Más Artrópodos 3-5, MS & HS Más Plantas 3-5 & MS Más Suelos K-5, MS & HS Más Calidad de Agua 3-5, MS & HS Más Weather K-5 More Forestry 3-5, MS & HS More Portal de aprendizaje a distancia Explore nuestro portal de aprendizaje Join us for our STEAM Camp Programs! Reproducir video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copiar Enlace Enlace copiado Junior Naturalists Youth Camps Galería de fotos Aventuras del Pasado El Equipo SSP El equipo de SSP Devin Genovese Director del Programa SSP ¡Devin impulsa el programa SSP y crea activamente asociaciones comunitarias! 775.410.1702 devin@tmparksfoundation.org Conozca a Nuestros Educadores Deanna Miller Educadora N aturalista (AmeriCorps) ¡Kristina está emocionada de charlar contigo sobre la vida marina tan pronto como termine de explorar el parque! 775.410.1702 kristina@tmparksfoundation.org Nyaabila Apambire Coordinadora de Alcalce de SSP ¡Haley (ella) hace horarios para nuestros educadores, se comunica con los maestros y hace que la comunidad se entusiasme con nuestros programas educativos para los jóvenes! 775.410.1702 haleygrable@tmparksfoundation.org Regina Haynes Coordinadora de Alcalce de SSP ¡Haley (ella) hace horarios para nuestros educadores, se comunica con los maestros y hace que la comunidad se entusiasme con nuestros programas educativos para los jóvenes! 775.410.1702 haleygrable@tmparksfoundation.org Elyssa Santana Coordinadora de Alcalce de SSP ¡Haley (ella) hace horarios para nuestros educadores, se comunica con los maestros y hace que la comunidad se entusiasme con nuestros programas educativos para los jóvenes! 775.410.1702 haleygrable@tmparksfoundation.org Introduction to Backyard Birding Reproducir video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copiar Enlace Enlace copiado Este programa es posible gracias a:
- Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area | tmparksfoundation
Visit this page to learn more about the proposed Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area! Then and Now Circa 1959 Circa 2016 Circa 2020 Donate to the Wetland Restoration Project Learn More TMNSA Concept Paper Brief Project Summary To learn more about the property, water rights, and more please click the "Supporting Documents" button below. Supporting Documents Want to rid your yard or garden of pesky invasive plants? Check out our invasive plant management guides below! Invasive Plant Management Guides Project Partners This project is funded in part by a grant from the Truckee River Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada. This project is supported by the National Audubon Society-George Whittell Nevada Environmental Fund. Trail Enhancement The grant from Union Pacifica allowed us to enhance the trails making them easier to walk on and safer! Fence Before and After We used a portion of grant we received from Nevada Dream Tags to replace the fence along the entrance to the proposed Nature Study Area. Future Pollinator Garden We've partnered with Nevada Bugs and Butterflies to install a pollinator garden at the proposed nature study area. The area is currently being solarized to remove invasive species. Trail Enhancement The grant from Union Pacifica allowed us to enhance the trails making them easier to walk on and safer! 1/3
- Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area | tmparksfoundation
Visit this page to learn more about the proposed Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area! Rosewood Nature Study Area The vision of the Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area is to establish and steward a publicly accessible Great Basin wetland habitat where the community can come to learn about and appreciate the importance of our natural open spaces and local parks. Project Goals Develop a sustainable plan to restore and conserve sensitive wetland and upland habitat for native plants, wildlife, and natural resource management. Rehabilitate existing trails and develop additional non-motorized trails to establish the wetland as a node in the larger network of area parks and open spaces. Offer a state of the art, environmentally conscious nature center with hands-on, interactive exhibits for both children and adults to provide park-based programs, interpretive signage, and outdoor classroom spaces for families, community groups, and schools. Inspire community members to take a proactive volunteer role in the preservation and improvement of our parks and open spaces in order to strengthen the bond between the community and their open spaces. Donate to the Wetland Restoration Project Restoration Progress Status As of August 2020, the first operational year of restoration has been completed. In this first year, we have improved 47 acres through invasive removal and native revegetation, 11,000 linear feet of streambank have been improved, one mile of trail has been enhanced, and both bridges have been repaired. We are now moving into our second year of the restoration project. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check back here for updates. New Fence A new fence was installed along the entrance to the wetland! Invasive Species Removal Our AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technicians are continuously removing invasive species. Bird Boxes Our AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technicians built and installed 15 nest boxes. New Fence A new fence was installed along the entrance to the wetland! 1/9 Then and Now Circa 1959 Circa 2016 Circa 2020 Wetland Restoration Team Members Elena Larsen Wetland Restoration Program Director elena@tmparksfoundation.org Andrea Lesperance Wetland Restoration Outreach Coordinator VISTA andrea@tmparksfoundation.org Alexandra Sheehan Wetland Restoration Outreach Coordinator VISTA alexandra@tmparksfoundation.org Susanna Keilig Nature Center Host/Interpreter susanna@tmparksfoundation.org Rachel Kieffer AmeriCorps Lead Wetland Restoration Technician rachel@tmparksfoundation.org Angela Petrice AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technician angela@tmparksfoundation.org Ben Parry-Lemon AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technician ben@tmparksfoundation.org Camille Verendia AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technician camilleverendia@tmparksfoundation.org Elizabeth Ott-Bales AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technician elizabeth@tmparksfoundation.org James Hada AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technician james@tmparksfoundation.org Matthew Poindexter AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technician matthewpoindexter@tmparksfoundation.org Nicole Rovai AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technician nicolerovai@tmparksfoundation.org Peter Jordan AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technician peter@tmparksfoundation.org Ryan Turner AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technician ryanturner@tmparksfoundation.org Sadie Smith AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technician sadie@tmparksfoundation.org Sequoyah Pollard AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Technician sequoyah@tmparksfoundation.org Learn More TMNSA Concept Paper Brief Project Summary To learn more about the property, water rights, and more please click the "Supporting Documents" button below. Supporting Documents Want to rid your yard or garden of pesky invasive plants? Check out our invasive plant management guides below! Invasive Plant Management Guides Check out our most recent blogs written by wetland team members both past and present covering a variety of topics! Aún no hay ninguna entrada publicada en este idioma Una vez que se publiquen entradas, las verás aquí. Project Partners This project is funded in part by a grant from the Truckee River Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada. This project is supported by the National Audubon Society-George Whittell Nevada Environmental Fund. Trail Enhancement The grant from Union Pacifica allowed us to enhance the trails making them easier to walk on and safer! Fence Before and After We used a portion of grant we received from Nevada Dream Tags to replace the fence along the entrance to the proposed Nature Study Area. Future Pollinator Garden We've partnered with Nevada Bugs and Butterflies to install a pollinator garden at the proposed nature study area. The area is currently being solarized to remove invasive species. Trail Enhancement The grant from Union Pacifica allowed us to enhance the trails making them easier to walk on and safer! 1/3
- Protege sus Parques | tmparksfoundation
During this global pandemic, help us help our parks, and people, continue to grow with a donation today! Ayúdanos a ayudar a nuestros parques y a la gente a seguir creciendo durante este tiempo. Con una crisis de salud mundial, desempleo y aislamiento social, ha sido difícil saber a dónde acudir para encontrar la paz. A través de esta temporada continua de incertidumbre, los parques sirven como pulmones de nuestra región. Con las repercusiones financieras que se avecinan de 2020 para los muchos presupuestos de parques locales, estatales y federales, sabemos que esta carga recaerá en organizaciones comunitarias como nosotros, y necesitamos su ayuda para lograrlo. Dona Sustaining members help science take flight Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation is able to offer STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) education through K-12 schools, as budgets and resources are being cut. With a third of Washoe County 5th graders not meeting science standards, your monthly contribution will continue to give students the science education they so desperately deserve to succeed. For most, access to a year-round science program never comes The Student Stewards Program utilizes community science to get kids excited about the natural world and their local parks through a STEAM-based curriculum. Students collect and analyze data for real scientific research projects for partners like the Nevada Department of Agriculture. Teach science to save science Arriving at camp for the first time, Camden is excited to put on his “We Learn as We Grow” t-shirt and dive into the box of supplies he sees under the table, where he is given the opportunity to conduct his own experiment. As he continues to challenge himself daily at camp activities, he starts to realize he may want to be an engineer someday.
- Donación Planificada | tmparksfoundation
Make supporting local parks and trails part of your personal legacy by remembering the Parks Foundation in your estate planning. Donaciones Planificadas: Deje un Legado Haga que el apoyo a los parques y senderos locales sea parte de su legado personal recordando Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation en su planificación patrimonial. Así es cómo: Reúnase con su abogado. Ellos le asesorarán sobre qué activos es mejor dejar en manos de familiares, amigos o organizaciones benéficas desde una perspectiva fiscal y legal. Para nombrar Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation en su testamento, deberá tener: Número de identificación del empleador: 45-4837735 Dirección: 50 Cowan Drive, Reno, NV 89509 Naturaleza del regalo (efectivo, propiedad) Cualquier restricción sobre el obsequio (por ejemplo, el obsequio solo se puede utilizar para apoyar programas). Si ha incluido Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation en sus planes de sucesión, háganoslo saber . Nos gustaría agradecerle por su generoso compromiso con el futuro de sus parques y comunidad.
- Programa de Perritos Embajadores | tmparksfoundation
Volunteer with Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation and help us keep dog waste out of our parks and river. This project is made possible with the help of dedicated volunteers and community partners. What's Your Style? Protect the Truckee River Watershed by Picking up Dog Waste We all have our own style of doing things and this includes how we pick up after our dogs Whether you have the perfect jump shot every time you go for the trash can, pick it up with world record speed, or know the ultimate one handed life hack, when you pick up after your dog you're helping protect the Truckee River Every time it rains or snow melts, dog waste is washed into drains and storm sewers. The waste, full of unhealthy bacteria, flows with the stormwater directly into ponds, lakes, and rivers. In high enough quantities, the bacteria and parasites found in dog waste cause bodies of water to become unsafe for recreation activities like swimming and fishing. 1/4 Find a Station Near You Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact Us at info@tmparksfoundation Community Partners Thank you, Healthy Tails, for your donation of 1,000 Dog Bag Leash Dispensers! Thank you, Natural Paws of Galena and the Storm Water Permit Coordinating Committee for your help with repeated donations of dog waste bags for the Doggie Ambassador Project!
- 2019 Newsletters | tmparksfoundation
Check out all of our past newsletters from 2019 in our archive! 2019 Newsletters December 12/31/2019 - It's Not Too Late 12/30/2019 - One Trip Can Make the Difference 12/18/2019 - It Starts with a Field Trip 12/11/2019 - Give the Gift of the Outdoors 12/05/2019 - Volunteer for Reno Winter Light Festival! 12/04/2019 - The Results are In! 12/03/2019 - December Newsletter 12/03/2019 - Time is Running Out... 12/02/2019 - There's Only One Day Left... November 11/20/ 2019 - One Step Closer 11/15/2019 - Build Trails and Connect Your Community 11/07/2019 - Sustaining Members Newsletter: November 11/05/2019 - November Newsletter October 10/11/2019 - Have You Heard? 10/10/2019 - SPOOKY SEASON IS HERE! 10/03/2019 - Sustaining Members Newsletter: October 10/02/2019 - Calling all Goblins, Ghouls, and Ghosts 10/01/ 2019- October Newsletter September 09/20/2019 - It's Time to Camp! 09/16/2019 - Come Camp with Us! 09/06/2019 - Sustaining Members Newsletter: September 09/04/2019 - September Newsletter August 08//26/2019 - Have You Registered Yet? 08/22/2019 - Volunteers Needed for Race 178! 08/12/2019 - Calling All Volunteers! 08/12/2019 - Sustaining Members Newsletter: August 08/08/2019 - August Newsletter 08/08/2019 - You're Invited! July 07/23/2019 - Event for Moth Week! 07/17/2019 - Your Time Made a Difference... 07/05/2019 - Happy 4th of July Weekend 07/02/2019 - July Newsletter June 06/21/2019 - It's Your Last Chance to Support TMPF 06/19/2019 - Have You Voted Yet? 06/14/2019 - Support TMPF With Two Clicks! 06/11/2019 - Hey There, Park Lover! 06/10/2019 - Sustaining Members Newsletter: June 06/06/2019 - June Newsletter May 05/29/2019 - Volunteers Needed! 05/21/2019 - Sierra Vista Park Needs Your Help 05/10/2019 - Sustaining Members Newsletter: May 05/01/2019 - May Newsletter April 04/22/2019 - RSVP Today 04/10/2019 - You're Invited! 04/05/2019 - Calling All Volunteers! 04/05/2019 - Save the Date: Members Only Hike 04/04/2019 - Come walk with us! 04/02/2019 - April Newsletter 04/01/2019 - Sustaining Members Newsletter: April March 03/29/2019 - Support Local Students Today! 03/21/2019 - Nevada's Big Give is Here! 03/04/2019 - March Newsletter February 02/18/2019 - Hike with the Parks Foundation 02/05/2019 - February Newsletter January 01/24/2019 - Trails Challenge at the Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area 01/02/2019 - January Newsletter Back to Archive