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Help us map dog waste in the Truckee Meadows as a Poop Plotter Community Scientist!

Your poop plots will help define the scope of the dog waste problem in our parks

and open spaces - spreading awareness, targeting resources, and keeping our

public spaces safe and clean.

If you already volunteer with TMPF, log in to your account to start plotting poop.

If you would like to officially join our volunteer community, sign-up to help track turds.

No ready to fully commit? Continue as a guest to help mark manure.

  • Every time it rains or snow melts, dog waste is washed into drains and storm sewers. The waste, full of unhealthy bacteria, flows with the stormwater directly into ponds, lakes, and rivers.

  • In high enough quantities, the bacteria and parasites found in dog waste cause bodies of water to become unsafe for recreation activities like swimming and fishing.

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