Rosewood Regional Trailhead
PROJECT NAME: Rosewood Regional Trailhead, Phase 1 Planning and Design
RSOQ Number: 24-001
Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation (TMPF) hereby invites qualified firms or individuals (Offerors) to submit written Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) to provide planning and design services for the development of the Rosewood Regional Trailhead, a federally funded project by the Nevada Department of Transportation. All SOQs must be received by TMPF, 50 Cowan Drive, Reno, NV 89509 by 04/14/25 no later than 2:00 p.m., Pacific Time. SOQs received after the established deadline will be returned to the Offeror, and will not receive any consideration in the evaluation process. SOQs are not publicly opened (disclosed), in accordance with NRS 332.061(2). Documents and addenda are available through TMPF, and will be electronically delivered free of charge upon request by either phone at 775-301-3098, or e-mail at jay@tmparksfoundation.org. RSOQ documents obtained from any source other than TMPF may not be accurate or complete and each Offeror assumes all risks by its reliance on such documents. Questions regarding this solicitation should be directed to Jay Howard, at 775-301-3098, or email to jay@tmparksfoundation.org. To ensure a timely response, inquiries should be made by close of business on 03/31/25. Information in response to inquiries may be published as an RSOQ Addendum.
Thank you to all the community members and partners supporting this project.