What's Your Style?
Protect the Truckee River Watershed
by Picking up Dog Waste
We all have our own style of doing things and this includes how we pick up after our dogs
Whether you have the perfect jump shot every time you go for the trash can, pick it up with world record speed, or know the ultimate one handed life hack, when you pick up after your dog you're helping protect the Truckee River
Every time it rains or snow melts, dog waste is washed into drains and storm sewers. The waste, full of unhealthy bacteria, flows with the stormwater directly into ponds, lakes, and rivers.
In high enough quantities, the bacteria and parasites found in dog waste cause bodies of water to become unsafe for recreation activities like swimming and fishing.

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Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact Us at info@tmparksfoundation
Community Partners
Thank you, Healthy Tails, for your donation of
1,000 Dog Bag Leash Dispensers!
Thank you, Natural Paws of Galena and the Storm Water Permit Coordinating Committee for your help with repeated donations of dog waste bags for the Doggie Ambassador Project!