Ayúdanos a ayudar a nuestros parques y a la gente a seguir creciendo durante este tiempo.
Con una crisis de salud mundial, desempleo y aislamiento social, ha sido difícil saber a dónde acudir para encontrar la paz. A través de esta temporada continua de incertidumbre, los parques sirven como pulmones de nuestra región.
Con las repercusiones financieras que se avecinan de 2020 para los muchos presupuestos de parques locales, estatales y federales, sabemos que esta carga recaerá en organizaciones comunitarias como nosotros, y necesitamos su ayuda para lograrlo.

Sustaining members
help science take flight
Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation is able to offer STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) education through K-12 schools, as budgets and resources are being cut. With a third of Washoe County 5th graders not meeting science standards, your monthly contribution will continue to give students the science education they so desperately deserve to succeed.

For most, access to a year-round science program never comes
The Student Stewards Program utilizes community science to get kids excited about the natural world and their local parks through a STEAM-based curriculum. Students collect and analyze data for real scientific research projects for partners like the Nevada Department of Agriculture.

Teach science
to save science
Arriving at camp for the first time, Camden is excited to put on his “We Learn as We Grow” t-shirt and dive into the box of supplies he sees under the table, where he is given the opportunity to conduct his own experiment. As he continues to challenge himself daily at camp activities, he starts to realize he may want to be an engineer someday.