Parks District Initiative

Because our members wrote letters, called their assembly members, senators, and Governor Sandoval, A.B. 379 became a law. This means that the real work to create a Parks, Recreation, Trails, Open Spaces, and Natural Resource district in Washoe County is just getting started.
Washoe County, Reno, and Sparks have cut our park budgets up to 50% in the past 10 years. Recovery of those budgets has not occurred and infrastructure is failing. Assemblywoman Amber Joiner has introduced a bill (A.B. 379) that will allow us to consider alternative funding mechanisms to support our parks, trails, and open spaces.
Update June 5, 2017: Success! Governor Sandoval signed A.B. 379 into law today! This means the real work to create a Parks, Recreation, Trails, Open Spaces, and Natural Resource district in Washoe County is just getting started. We give a huge thank you to everyone who wrote and called their assembly members, senators, and Governor Sandoval. We couldn't have done it without your help!
Update May 30, 2017: Thanks to citizens who called their state senators in support of the bill, A.B. 379 passed a Senate floor vote 13-7. The bill moved back to the Assembly for concurrence and was finalized and enrolled. That means to become a law, it only needs Governor Sandoval's signature. Write Governor Sandoval or call his office today and tell him we need options on how we fund our parks (sample letter below).
Update May 23, 2017: The final amended A.B. 379 will receive a vote on the Senate floor later this week (date to be determined). Write to your senator now telling them you support passage of this bill that would allow us to decide on how we want to fund our parks.
Update May 16, 2017: An amended A.B. 379 has been submitted and is scheduled for the Senate Gov’t Affairs Committee Work Session today Wednesday, May 17th at 1:00 Room 2135.
Update April 28, 2017: A.B. 379 passed the Assembly on April 25th with 34 yeahs and 8 nays and has been referred to the Senate Committee on Government Affairs and will be heard Wed, May 3rd at 1:30 PM, Room 2135.