Proposed Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area
Project Vision
It is the vision of Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation to restore the property formerly known as Rosewood Lakes Golf Course to a functional wetland system. The goal of this restoration project is to reopen the area as the Truckee Meadows Nature Study Area (TMNSA) in the summer of 2020. TMNSA will offer an array of recreational and educational activities for members of the community of all ages. This will be accomplished through partnerships with a variety of organizations along with a robust advisory board.
Project Status
Elena Larsen is working as the AmeriCorps Wetland Restoration Program Director in cooperation with the City of Reno to develop a master plan for the proposed nature study area. This project is in the preliminary stages and we are very interested in the public’s opinion and ideas on this topic. Elena will be engaging in community events and forums to communicate the project’s goals and ideas to address any questions and concerns regarding the nature study area.

This project is funded in part by a grant from the Truckee River Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada.
This project is supported by the National Audubon Society-George Whittell Nevada Environmental Fund.
Then and Now
Circa 1959
Circa 2016
Learn More
TMNSA Concept Paper
Brief Project Summary
To learn more about the property, water rights, and more please click the "Supporting Documents" button below.
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