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Canoe the Slough

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Registration open now for this one of a kind, fund-raising event!
A slough (rhymes with flu...or canoe) is a type of wetland along the edges of rivers where the old channel of the river once flowed. The Boynton Slough at Rosewood Nature Study Area is a thriving wetland habitat in South-East Reno.

This paid event is open to anyone interested in trying out a kayak or canoe in a wetland area. Life jackets and watercraft will be provided for the event. Whether you're a long-time Rosewood-fan or have never visited, this will be a unique opportunity to explore Rosewood Nature Study Area like never before!



Pricing Tiers:


Self Guided: 75$ per person

This family friendly tier is open to anyone interested in trying out a kayak or canoe in an open wetland area. Life jackets and watercraft will be provided and staff will be available to answer questions. Parents must be able to assist children. 


Guided Tour: 125$ per person

This tier is available to participants ages 12 and up and is great for anyone who wants to try out a kayak in a vegetated wetland area with a tour guide. Also included on this tier are photo ops and basic binocular use. Life jackets and watercraft will be provided and staff will be available to answer questions. Parents must be able to assist children. 

VIP Guided Tour: 145$ per person

This tier is available to participants ages 12 and up and is great for anyone who wants to try out a kayak in a vegetated wetland area with a tour guide. Also included on this tier are photo ops, premium binocular use and an exclusive "snackle box". Life jackets and watercraft will be provided and staff will be available to answer questions. Parents must be able to assist children. 


Please email with any questions


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