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Silverweed Cinquefoil

Scientific Name:

Argentina anserina


Herbaceous Plant


Wet meadows, prairies, fields, riparians, and saltwater shorelines


Canada, New England, the Great Lakes, the western United States, Alaska, and France


No listed status

This species is


to the Truckee Meadows.


You can find silverweed cinquefoil low growing (6 to 9 inches) with saw-toothed, 4 to 8 inch long leaves. A good indicator of this species of cinquefoil is its pinnate leaf formations which resemble a feather with leaflets running up both sides of a central stem (rachis). On the undersides of the leaves, the plant has silky white hairs, giving it the “silverweed” name. A single flower with 5 yellow petals grows at the end of the stem May through September in the Truckee Meadows.

Fast Facts:

  • Silverweed cinquefoil is in the same family as roses – Rosaceae.

  • The roots, when cooked, have a similar flavor to parsnips or sweet potatoes.

  • Common silverweed can be used as an astringent in gargles, washes and teas for reducing inflammation.

  • Because of its ability to grow roots from stolons that emerge from among the leaves (similar to a strawberry), silverweed is great for soil erosion control.

  • Silverweed can be planted to attracts butterflies and other pollinators.



Skylar Jones (research & content)

Alex Shahbazi (edits & page design)

Last Updated:

12 de mayo de 2021, 22:47:07

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